© Nuno Gonçalves/UMinho

Welcome Message

Um espaço arquitetonicamente impressionante e de grande versatilidade

Dear colleagues and students,

On behalf of the Portuguese and Spanish Societies of Plant Biology, we are glad to invite you to join the Plant Biology 2023 (PB2023) congress that will take place in Braga on 9-12 July. This congress corresponds to the XVIII Spanish-Portuguese Congress on Plant Biology and the XXV Meeting of the Spanish Society of Plant Biology and will be guided by the motto - The future starts now!

PB2023 will focus on the preservation of a sustainable word for the future. Topics will cover diverse fields from the adaptation of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses, molecular mechanisms that control plant development and function, to plant biotechnology and sustainable crop production.

In a satellite meeting (3rd PhD Meeting in Plant Science), PhD students will have the opportunity to interact, present and discuss their work. Furthermore, a special session - Teaching for Innovation - will be held to accommodate advances in teaching and learning methodologies in Plant Biology.

We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful city of Braga that combines history and cultural heritage, with youth and vitality! We are sure that this in person congress will promote fruitful discussions about the latest scientific updates in Plant Science.

Warmest regards,

Teresa Lino Neto
President of the Local Organizing Committee

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Dear colleagues and students,

On behalf of the Portuguese and Spanish Societies of Plant Biology, we are glad to invite you to join the Iberian Plant Biology 2023 (IPB2023) congress that will take place in Braga on 9-12 July. This congress corresponds to the XVIII Portuguese-Spanish Congress on Plant Biology and the XXV Meeting of the Spanish Society of Plant Biology and will be guided by the motto - The future starts now!

© Nuno Gonçalves/UMinho

IPB2023 will focus on the preservation of a sustainable world for the future. Topics will cover diverse fields from the adaptation of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses, molecular mechanisms that control plant development and function, to plant biotechnology and sustainable crop production.

In a satellite meeting (3rd PhD Meeting in Plant Science), PhD students will have the opportunity to interact, present and discuss their work. Furthermore, a special session - Teaching for Innovation - will be held to accommodate advances in teaching and learning methodologies in Plant Biology.

We look forward to seeing you in the beautiful city of Braga that combines history and cultural heritage, with youth and vitality! We are sure that this in person congress will promote fruitful discussions about the latest scientific updates in Plant Science.

Warmest regards,

Teresa Lino Neto
President of the Local Organizing Committee

Local Organizer of 8th IWFC

International Liaison Committee for the 8th IWFC

Mensagem de boas vindas

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Mauris mi libero, egestas eu orci sed, imperdiet pulvinar augue. Quisque at eros maximus justo rutrum accumsan sit amet non ligula. Etiam ultricies, lectus at viverra pretium, velit libero facilisis diam, non faucibus justo est quis sem. In aliquet vulputate massa ac ullamcorper. Sed id tempor ipsum, sit amet scelerisque metus. Vivamus in augue eget nulla viverra efficitur ac pretium odio. Sed a mauris non tortor aliquet rhoncus. Praesent eget feugiat leo. Donec tempor, mauris vel sagittis maximus, ex erat lobortis velit, sit amet iaculis elit libero in turpis. Sed ac interdum leo. Nullam ac turpis a ex pulvinar porttitor. Sed venenatis, velit ut faucibus porta, purus justo tristique nulla, sed hendrerit mi erat et ex.

Vestibulum quis finibus quam. Sed eget bibendum lectus. Mauris viverra diam eget tempus tincidunt. Vivamus in risus sed purus malesuada rhoncus. Pellentesque pulvinar ante velit, eu semper massa tincidunt in. Pellentesque dolor massa, auctor vitae mattis viverra, iaculis vitae metus. Etiam varius ex justo, at imperdiet mi volutpat at. Aenean efficitur blandit aliquet. Aenean sit amet cursus purus. Curabitur lacinia elit quam, eu imperdiet leo fringilla non. Sed fringilla cursus consequat. Praesent interdum bibendum massa, non pharetra lectus finibus vel. Vivamus diam metus, vestibulum in tristique a, commodo et dui. Morbi ac laoreet dolor. Pellentesque fringilla nulla et vulputate mattis.

Vestibulum quis finibus quam. Sed eget bibendum lectus. Mauris viverra diam eget tempus tincidunt. Vivamus in risus sed purus malesuada rhoncus. Pellentesque pulvinar ante velit, eu semper massa tincidunt in. Pellentesque dolor massa, auctor vitae mattis viverra, iaculis vitae metus. Etiam varius ex justo, at imperdiet mi volutpat at. Aenean efficitur blandit aliquet. Aenean sit amet cursus purus. Curabitur lacinia elit quam, eu imperdiet leo fringilla non. Sed fringilla cursus consequat. Praesent interdum bibendum massa, non pharetra lectus finibus vel. Vivamus diam metus, vestibulum in tristique a, commodo et dui. Morbi ac laoreet dolor. Pellentesque fringilla nulla et vulputate mattis.

Vestibulum quis finibus quam. Sed eget bibendum lectus. Mauris viverra diam eget tempus tincidunt. Vivamus in risus sed purus malesuada rhoncus. Pellentesque pulvinar ante velit, eu semper massa tincidunt in. Pellentesque dolor massa, auctor vitae mattis viverra, iaculis vitae metus. Etiam varius ex justo, at imperdiet mi volutpat at. Aenean efficitur blandit aliquet. Aenean sit amet cursus purus. Curabitur lacinia elit quam, eu imperdiet leo fringilla non. Sed fringilla cursus consequat. Praesent interdum bibendum massa, non pharetra lectus finibus vel. Vivamus diam metus, vestibulum in tristique a, commodo et dui. Morbi ac laoreet dolor. Pellentesque fringilla nulla et vulputate mattis.

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